LARGO - Project "I have a dream"

LARGO - Information subsite

Project "I Have a Dream"Citizens' initiative for empowerment of Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.


LARGO - Information subsite

Project "I Have a Dream"LARGO Association is a civic organization based in the Roma neighborhood "East" of Kyustendil.


LARGO - Information subsite

Project "I have a dream"is implemented with financial support provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. 2014-2021 г.

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    Project "I Have a Dream"Citizens' initiative for empowerment of Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.
    LARGO - Information subsite
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    Project "I Have a Dream"LARGO Association is a civic organization based in the Roma neighborhood "East" of Kyustendil.
    LARGO - Information subsite
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    Project "I have a dream"is implemented with financial support provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. 2014-2021 г.
    LARGO - Information subsite

More about the project

Duration 30 months

  • 2022
  • 2024

Largo's project and KUN has a term of implementation for 30 months and will be implemented in six cities in the country. The project aims to expand to about 25,000 people, including 10,000 Roma. The project activities include training of Roma women for personal development and advocacy campaigns.
Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria

Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria

The project ACF/709 is implemented with financial support of active citizens Fund Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area

More for ACF
Project ACF/709

Project ACF/709 "I Have a Dream"

The project "I have a dream" is implemented by the Liberal Alternative for Roma Civic Association - LARGO with financial support of 142,500 euros provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.
The entire responsibility for the content of the subsite is held by the Liberal Alternative for Roma Civil Union Association – LARGO in partnership with KUM center for equality and   diversity – Norway, and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Operator of the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria .

Follow the project news here


The Project is released by the Liberal Alternative for Roma Civil Union Association – LARGO in partnership with KUM center for equality and     diversity – Norway.
Liberal Alternative for Roma Civil Union Association – LARGO
KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity

Do you want to join?

If the project "I have a dream (civic initiative for the empowerment of Roma women through direct advocacy)" has interested you and you want to help implement it, do not hesitate to contact us